Baptism is the one sacrament that all Christian denominations share in common. From the beginning of the New Testament, Christianity at the Feast of Pentecost (Acts 2:38-39) to our time have practiced the first sacrament of Initiation, Baptism, a welcoming into the Christian faith. Water symbolizes life, death, and cleansing. Water is either poured over the baptized person's head or the individual is immersed in it. Each baptized person is presented with a candle that is lit from the Paschal candle; this symbolic act represents the coming of Christ into the person's life.




Infant Baptism 

Contact -  Sara Schulte-Bukowinski at 402-280-2934

It is the parents who make the baptismal promises and the profession of faith for the infant at the baptism. Here at St. John's we invite families to find the priest of their choosing and welcome priest from other parishes to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with you. 


Adult Baptism 

Contact - Sara 402-280-2934

Adults wishing to be baptized are invited to participate in the Initiation Ministries.