St. John’s, Omaha’s Jesuit parish,
invites you to join us for our annual
Novena of Grace in honor of St. Francis Xavier, S.J.
March 4-12, 2025
The theme is ‘Pilgrims of Hope”
St. John’s announces its annual Novena of Grace in Honor of St. Francis Xavier, SJ. All are invited to join the Novena as we pray and are inspired by the call of Pope Francis to be “Pilgrims of Hope”. 2025 is the Jubilee Holy Year, the 2,025th anniversary of the Incarnation of our Lord, an "event of great spiritual, ecclesial, and social significance in the life of the Church." The concept of "Jubilee" has its origins in the Book of Leviticus (chapter 25) as a special year of reconciliation, pilgrimage, and coming home. Pope Francis has designated the 2025 Holy Year as a time to renew ourselves as "Pilgrims of Hope."
Novena prayer and blessing with the relic of St. Francis Xavier, SJ, at all Masses, March 4-12.
With the following special observances:
Friday, March 7,Stations of the Cross with Novena prayer and blessing with the relic of St. Francis
at St. Benedict the Moor, 2423 Grant St. 6 pm *
Saturday, March 8, South Asian Mass group will assist with 5 pm vigil Mass; Fr Elvin Cardoso, SJ, who ministered at the Basilica Shrine of Bom Jesus, Goa, India, where the remains of St. Francis are located, will preside and Fr. Elvin and parishioner Ian Severes will share reflections on pilgrimage and the legacy of St. Francis Xavier’s Ministry in India.**
Sunday, March 9, Dr. Julia Fleming will share reflections on the Scriptures and the Jubilee at the 10:30 am Mass
*please note St. Benedict the Moor fish fry available on Fridays in Lent from noon-6 pm, Spicer Hall; cost $20
**A reception with light refreshments will follow the 5 pm Saturday Vigil Mass in Lower St. John’s
***Coffee and donuts in Lower St. John’s after Mass
Novena Prayer in Honor of St. Francis Xavier
I join with you, St. Francis, in bowing before the God of all Creation.
When I look at the great things you did during life, I see what marvels can be achieved
by a person blessed by God.
I join with you in praising God and giving thanks or all the good things I have been given.
Dear St. Francis, please pray to God for me and ask that I may live and die in God’s favor.
Please ask God for me, my intention for this novena,
[pause for silent intentions]
provided, of course, that this would be good for me. In the end, my only wish is for whatever gives glory to God and is good for my health in body, mind, and spirit.
JesuitPrayer offers daily reflections that are rooted in Ignatian Spirituality and based on the daily scripture. These reflections are written by a different member of the Jesuit community each day. The site regularly features reflections from members of the Jesuit community residing across America.
In 2020 Saint John’s Parish embarked on a 33-day Novena to ask for Mary’s intercession during the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout this past year, Mary has faithfully protected and walked with our parish family though this unprecedented time.
In 2021 A new perpetual lamp for Our Lady’s shrine was blessed and placed at Our Lady’s Shrine.
Triduum in Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 25-27, 2025 at Noon mass will also be livestreamed.
Tune in to the parish livestream for three consecutive days of Masses in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Novena prayers and litany will be prayed at the conclusion of each Mass.
Please join us as we pray for the mercy, compassion, and peace found in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.