1887 - June 26: Bishop O'Connor lays the cornerstone of the new collegiate chapel.

1888 - May 6: The new chapel is dedicated to St. John the Evangelist Before the Latin Gate.

1897 - January 10: Bishop Scannell establishes St. John's as a parish with 320 families within the new boundaries. St. John's Grade School opens under the direction of the Sisters of Mercy.

1898 - April: Installation of electric lighting is completed. A Sacred Concert and Lecture celebrate the renovation of the church.

1901 - January: The new grade school building is dedicated and opened for classes.

1911 - A major addition to the school is completed and St. John's High School for girls opens in September.

1920 - Summer: The new Rectory is completed.

1922 - May: A major addition is begun to complete the church to its original design with transepts, sanctuary, two sacristies, and lower level. The addition is made possible by the donation of Mrs. Thomas Cuming, widow of the late governor of Nebraska.

1923 - September 2: Archbishop Harty dedicates the newly completed church.

1930 - October: The new convent is completed on land donated by John Creighton, with a donation from J. F. Creedon, architect of the church addition.

1937 - September: In preparation for the Golden Anniversary celebration, a new organ is installed and dedicated.

1946 to 1949 - The present stained glass windows are commissioned and installed.

1950 - The parish census lists 655 families

1951 - The present pipe organ is installed dedicated.

1955 - St. John's High School closes & Mercy High School Opens.

1960 - Interstate Highway construction begins in the University and Parish vicinity.

1965 - By this time, highway construction has removed thirty-four blocks from the parish and reduced the census to 90 families.

1968 - June: St. John's Grade School is closed because of the lowered parish population. The church is renovated, carpeted, the sanctuary extended, and the front pews reoriented to the new Altar of Celebration. Fifty-nine families remain.

1977 - August 28: The steeple addition (60 feet high, six tons), the clockworks and the tape carillon are installed and dedicated.

1978 - September: The fountain court at the entrance of the church is completed largely through the donated service of Omaha area construction unions and is dedicated on Labor Day.

1979 - The Archdiocese allows St. John's to report its census by Catholics within boundaries rather than Catholic families: the census includes 3500 Catholic students for the first time.

1980 - January 6: St. John's Church is formally named a landmark of the City of Omaha.

1983 - Spring: The church interior is painted.

1987 - Martyr’s Chapel is renovated

1989 - The church is renovated, carpeted, the sanctuary extended, and reconciliation rooms are constructed near the front of the church.

2005 - A new heating and cooling system for the nave of the church was added

2006 - Restoration and replacement of over 1,000 stones to the churches exterior structure.

2007 - Interior renovation of the church, new pews, flooring, lights, re-orientation of the altar of celebration and the pews. Definition of private prayer and community prayer was created by the ambulatory screen addition. A crucifix with Mary and St. John at the foot Christ is hung above the altar of celebration. The baptismal font is constructed from the old communion railing, the altar of celebration and the ambo are created from 2 older altars that were on the east and west sides of the church. A book of donors was installed in the church in the southwest corner honoring all who have donated time and treasure to the Parish.

2014 - Addition of Elevator and structure added to the west side of the Church Structure.

2014 to 2015 - Continued replacement of exterior stones on the Church Structure.