It is time to check out your closets

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St. John's Parish Partners will soon begin collecting much needed winter clothes and blankets for our sister parishes on the Pine Ridge Reservation. The winters on the Pine Ridge can be brutal so when you combine that with not well insulated homes and elder relatives...the need is great. We're looking for clean winter coats, sweaters, mittens, gloves, caps, blankets, etc. We will begin taking donations after September 18, 2022, more information to come.


“Many Thanks”

If you have any questions or are interested in joining this ministry please contact Larry Brennan at

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"St. John's Parish Partners has established a relationship with two parishes on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Our Lady of the Sioux and Sacred Heart.  Members of St. John’s parish usually visit the reservation once a year in October. Each year we are blessed to receive more inspiration from the Lakota people than we could ever offer through our gifts. 

Anyone wishing to discover more about the Parish Partners mission can contact Larry Brennan 402-699-8673 or

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Sacred Heart
Pine Ridge, SD

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The coats and warm clothing that we collect at St. John's is donated to Sacred Heart Parish for their Clothes Closet. After deliveries are made to both parishes we are given a tour of Sacred Heart Parish and learn of the Native American traditions which are part of their liturgy and environment. If scheduling permits we then share a traditional meal prepared by the Kateri Kitchen Crew. 

Visit Sacred Hearts Facebook page:

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Our Lady of the Sioux
Oglalla, SD 


Our ministry at Our Lady of the Sioux consists of providing food bags as well as food for the food pantry at Our Lady of the Sioux. 

It is our privilege to attend Mass at Our Lady of the Sioux on Sunday morning. After mass we all gather in the parish hall to enjoy reconnecting and establishing new friendships with the community, while sharing breakfast together. 

Visit Our Lady of the Sioux at

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