University Liturgy & Holy Day Ensembles
Everyone is invited to join ensembles for special liturgies! These ad-hoc ensembles are a great option for a short-term commitment if you’re not able to join a weekly ensemble, and generally do not require an audition. Information about these special ensembles is included in regular updates via the Student Music Ministry list-serv and Parish Music Ministry list-serv.
Palm Sunday Student superchoir 2024
University Liturgies
Join Creighton University to celebrate these big annual liturgies!
Welcome Week Mass (Aug. 17, 2024 at 7:15pm) - to welcome incoming students and their families on move-in weekend. One rehearsal in the week beforehand and one the hour before Mass.
Mass of the Holy Spirit (Aug. 28, 2024 at 3:30pm) - a tradition at Jesuit universities asking the blessing of the Holy Spirit on the academic year. One rehearsal in the week beforehand and one the hour before Mass.
Red Mass (Oct. 7, 2025 at 5:30pm) - a tradition of the national and local Law community asking the blessing of the Holy Spirit on the judicial year. One rehearsal the hour before Mass.
Baccalaureate Mass (May 16, 2025 at 7pm) - to celebrate, bless, and send forth Creighton University’s graduating class. Two rehearsals in the week beforehand and one on the day.
Holy Days (Liturgical Feasts)
Join St. John’s to celebrate the feasts and solemnities of the liturgical year!
Christmas Masses (Dec. 24-25) - special ensembles rehearse music for the Mass and caroling preludes during the weeks leading up to Christmas.
Paschal Triduum & Easter Sunday (Apr. 17-20, 2025) - ensembles rehearse special music over Lent, the six weeks leading up to Easter.
Other feasts and solemnities of the liturgical year include rehearsals the hour before each Mass.
Funerals and Prayer Services for Special Needs
Prayer services in response to tragedies or special needs on campus need musicians on short notice.
Some families request an ensemble in addition to a cantor and accompanist for a funeral. In these cases, the Director of Music Ministry may reach out to volunteers, especially for parishioners’ funerals.