Student-only Ensembles
Attention New Students!
Auditions are August 24 & August 25 from 1:00-4:00pm in Campus Ministry (Lower Swanson). Make sure to pack at least one dressy outfit with Creighton Blue or Holy Spirit Red if you might want to sing at university liturgies this fall!
The student-only ensembles Pathways Ensemble, EvenSong Ensemble, Candlelight Choir, and Adoremus serve worship communities attended primarily by Creighton students when undergraduate classes are in session. These include weekly Catholic Masses at St. John’s, ecumenical Prayer in the style of Taizé, and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Praise & Worship music. Student music ministers attend an evening of reflection in the fall semester (Oct. 25, 2024). For special celebrations like Palm Sunday, they join forces to create a student Superchoir! See below for more information about the character and attendance policies for each group. To receive occasional updates about student ensemble auditions and university liturgies, join the Student Music Ministry list-serv. Contact Molly Mattingly with questions.
Pathways Choir
Tuesday 9:00pm Mass | Rehearsal Tuesdays at 8:00pm
Pathways Choir Spring 2024
When they’re not serving the Tuesday 9:00pm Mass, Pathways Ensemble builds faith and friendship through regular social gatherings and prayer during rehearsal and after Mass. Their all-female choir draws from traditional hymnody, piano & guitar Mass music, and contemporary Catholic praise and worship style music. If you come early to Mass, you might hear them praying their favorite songs a cappella in three-part harmony! Each week they lead the congregation in what has become their prayer song, “These Alone Are Enough,” a setting of the Suscipe prayer of St. Ignatius. This year’s student directors are Regan Arnold ‘25 and Kathryn McGovern ‘25.
Music ministry has brought me a community of people from all different backgrounds, and we come together to celebrate Christ together through song. This community has consistently shown me that I am safe, I am known, and I am loved by their actions, words, and support. At the times when I felt like all I was doing was giving, giving, giving, this was the community giving BACK to me. When I came to Tuesday night Mass after a long day, it was my space to put it aside and give it to God, to rest and be with people I love.
- 2024 Pathways member
Before each Mass, we take some time to reflect and meditate on our week. That has been a way for me to slow down and really focus on God. After Mass, we always pray together and usually we have a "challenge" for that week and those challenges have also allowed me to incorporate my relationship with God into my everyday life. - 2023 Pathways member
EvenSong Ensemble
Sunday 7:00pm Mass | Rehearsals Sundays 6:00pm & Thursdays 7:00pm
EvenSong Ensemble spring 2024
EvenSong Ensemble enjoys repertoire ranging from chant to classical choral pieces to contemporary music in multiple languages. They are especially looking for pianists, a cellist, and treble woodwind or string instrumentalists! In addition to the Sunday 7:00pm Mass, they also serve ecumenical prayer services in the style of Taizé. They build faith and friendship through weekly dinner together, social outings, service events, and prayer as a choir with their prayer song, “Be Still, and Know that I Am God.” This year's social and service commissioner is Megan Talleur ‘26 and the choir chaplain is Philip Richardsen ‘26. The choir is directed by Molly Mattingly. The attendance policy for this group is to commit to at least two-thirds of Thursday and Sunday evenings in a semester.
This is the perfect balance between serious, impactful work and lighthearted fun and social time. - 2024 EvenSong member
Even Song has always been, throughout my college experience, the community that I cherish and celebrate. It means so much to me to be musical, talk about my Faith, and share in laughter with these people. I wouldn't have been able to be my fullest self if I wasn't in EvenSong. - 2023 EvenSong member
Without a doubt, my favorite aspect of prayer I did weekly this semester was whenever we did the "Be Still and Know That I Am God" song and guided prayer. It was such a grounding experience that made me feel so calm in God's presence and always thankful for where I was at that point in the semester. - 2022 EvenSong member
Candlelight Choir
Sunday 9:00pm Mass | Rehearsal Sunday 7:45pm
Candlelight Choir Spring 2024
Candlelight Choir’s repertoire draws primarily from contemporary Catholic praise and worship style music, especially the Spirit & Song hymnal. They love singing harmonies by ear and are often drawn into prayer by a solo voice at the offertory and their favorite prayer song, “Sanctuary.” Candlelight builds faith and friendship through reflection at rehearsals and social time as a choir. This year’s student directors are Adele Varley ‘25 and Serena Martinez ‘26. The attendance policy for this group is to commit to a semester and communicate with the directors when conflicts arise.
Music Ministry has been one of the highlights of this year. I've met some of the most talented, passionate, kind people and gotten to grow in community with this wonderful group of people. There is something so profound and beautiful about lifting your voice in worship with so many peers and helping to foster this spirit with the congregation. I cannot recommend getting involved with music ministry enough! - 2023 Candlelight member
The sense of community and acceptance is what makes the choirs the best place to be. - 2024 Candlelight member
Monthly on Fridays
8:00pm Exposition & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament | Rehearsal Friday 7:00pm
Adoremus Fall 2024
Adoremus provides Praise & Worship style music once per month during the academic year for an extra hour of Exposition & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on a Friday evening. This is a new ensemble and is open to all students after an audition - those who are part of a weekly ensemble and those who prefer a monthly commitment!